Length 1.05 inches 26.7mm
Date Obtained June 2022
Location Maevarano formation, Berivotra, Madagascar
Age 66 million years, Maastrichtian, Cretaceous
This nice Majungasaurus crenatissimus tooth has a size of 2.67 cm (1.05 inch), which makes it one of the largest we’ve had so far. The quality isn’t excellent, but all major attributes are still there. The carinae miss a few denticles, but most are still there. There’s even some nice feeding wear on top of the tooth. A great affordable tooth of this very rare and sought after dinosaur tooth.
Majungasaurus was an Abelisauridae, related to Rugops from Niger and Carnotaurus from the La Colonia formation of Argentina. Known from the Madagascan Maevarano formation, it lived along famous and iconic animals like Beelzebufo, Masiakasaurus and Rapetosaurus.
The Maevarano formation, located in the north-west Madagascar, is a late Cretaceous (most likely Maastrichtian) formation where a diverse ecosystem has been preserved. Among the fossils found here are frogs, turtles, early birds, fishes, a wide variety of dinosaurs and much more. The most famous animals known from this location are Mahajangasuchus, a very large crocodylimorph, the modest sized titanosaur Rapetosaurus and Majungasaurus, the most likely apex predator in this ecosystem.